• Working as Laboratory Technician at Raksha Shakti University, Gandhinagar

    • February 12, 2020
    • Posted By : Peeyush Jaiswal
    • 0 Comment

    Position: Laboratory Technician (Forensic Science)
    No. of post : 01
    Emoluments: Rs. 15000/-
    Educational Qualifications1. Candidate must possess a Bachelors’ Degree in Botany or Zoology or Bio-chemistry or Life Science or Microbiology or Forensic Science or Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry or Pharmacy (as principal subject) obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act. in India or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act 1956
    Desirable Qualification: Desirable / Preference: Candidate who possess – 1. Basic knowledge of computer 2. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician from recognized board or Institute 3. Experience of three (03) years in Forensic Laboratories or academic institution is desirable
    General Instructions

    1. The prescribed qualifications and/or experience shall be the minimum, and the mere fact that a candidate possesses the same shall not entitle him/her for interview. The Raksha Shakti University shall have the right to restrict the number of candidates to be interviewed to a reasonable level based on better or higher qualifications and experience than the minimum prescribed.
    2. The Raksha Shakti University reserves the right not to fill in any of the positions or to fill the positions at lower levels without stating any reason. It also reserves right to fill number of posts as per requirement of Raksha Shakti University not as per advertisement.
    3. Canvassing or influencing in any form on behalf of any candidate will disqualify such candidate. Raksha Shakti University reserves the right to take appropriate action against such candidate.
    4. All the candidates are expected to download from RSU website, duly fill and bring along with them the “Brief Profile Form” for the interview. The Form should be neatly and legibly filled or typed preferably in at least 12 font size.
    5. The complete Bio-data along with all self-attested copy of all relevant certificates and documents should be brought at the time of interview.
    Walk in Address: Raksha Shakti University, Lavad, Ta- Dahegam, Gandhinagar.
    Selection Procedure : In case of any dispute / ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Raksha Shakti University shall be final and binding .candidates for attending the interview
    How to Apply : The University encourages eligible candidates to apply various teaching and non-teaching positions purely on contractual. A Walk-In-Interview is for the under mentioned positions on contractual basis initially for 11 months at Raksha Shakti University, At & Post: Lavad, Taluka: Dahegam, District: Gandhinagar – 382305

    Walk in date: 07 March 2020
    Official Notification

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