• AyurGenica-2018: International Conference on “Ayurveda and Holistic Healing”,

    • March 13, 2018
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    AyurGenica-2018: International Conference on “Ayurveda and Holistic Healing”,
    Organized by – Arkashine Health Sciences, Satara.
    Date : 15th May, 2018.

    ARKASHINE Health Sciences, Satara Presents Ayur Genica 2018  International Conference On “Ayurveda and Holistic Healing”

    “Hold The Past And Build The Future…”

    ARKASHINE Presents Ayur Genica Dear Friends, ‘Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. To attain knowledge we have to add things everyday. To attain wisdom, we have to remove things everyday” In tune with the above proposition, Arkashine Health sciences has organised “AyurGenica 2018” an International conference on Ayurveda and Holistic Healing. We at Arkashine Health Sciences cordially invite you to attend & participate in the conference. The best preparation for Tomorrow is doing your best Today. So Register yourself as early as possible. We extend this invitation to all graduates & post graduates scholars, Ayurved practitioners & Academic faculties to participate in this international event to exceed limits of your knowledge.
    ABOUT ARKASHINE HEALTH SCIENCES – There are two ways to spreading Light it be the Candle or the Mirror that reflects it …” Arkashine Health Sciences is a group of passionate Ayurvedians giving sincere efforts toward promotion and propagation of Ayurved by all means from last 25 years.
    OBJECTIVES OF THE “AyurGenica 2018

    • To provide a platform to research scholars of all Health Sciences to present their work.
    • To create a forum for intellectual interaction.
    • To bridge the gap between theory and clinical practice.
    • To provide and overall understanding & insight of research carried across the Globe.
    • To create diligence towards our authentic and eternal science i.e. Ayurveda.
    • To project the treasury of knowledge and experience from Generation to Generation.

    CALL FOR PAPERS “AyurGenica 2018” is Conference having Holistic approach. So The research scholars of any Health Science are requested to submit synopsis of their ongoing / completed research work. “AyurGenica 2018” The Best Opportunity to present research work on International Platform.

    Official Notification- Click Here


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