• Working as Junior/SRF Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU)

    • February 8, 2019
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    BBAU Recruitment 2019 Walkin for Junior/ Senior Research Fellow 1 Posts

    Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU) invites eligible and interested candidates to appear in walkin interviews to be held on 20-02-2019 (11:00 am) at the given venue for 1 posts of Junior/ Senior Research Fellow on contract basis.

    Interested Candidates may appear in the interview with their filled application along with Bio data and all related documents.

    Vacancies & Eligibility Criteria:

    Post- Junior/ Senior Research Fellow



    1. Stipend: Rs. 25.000/- p.m. (for ISt and 2 nd year) and Rs. 28,000/- p.m. (for 3rd year) + 20% HRA for NET/NET-JRF qualified. Rs. 16,000/- p.m. (for and 2nd year) and Rs. 18,000/- p.m. (for 3rd year) + 20% HRA for candidates having class M.Sc. degree with GATE Rs. 12,000/- p.m. + 20% HRA for candidates having ISt class M.Pharm. degree.

    2. Qualification: For JRF: M.Pharm. ISt class in Organic ‘Pharmaceutical Chemistry’ with GPAT qualified. For Project Fellow: M.Pharm. I st class in Organic/Pharmaceutical Chemistry Preference will be given to candidates with practical experience in organic synthesis.

    * See official notice for more details.

    Selection Mode: On the basis of performance in walkin interview.

    Application Fee: No Application fee for this recruitment.

    Apply Procedure

    1. At the time of interview, the candidate should bring all necessary original documents self- attested copies of certificates, certificates of Examination passed (starting from matriculation indicating date of Birth, two latest photograph and caste certificate in case of SC’/ST/OBC) along with application form in given proforma

    2.Tentative mark sheets/certificates and “Result Awaited” will not be considered. All eligible candidates are requested to be present at the venue on the said date. 30 minutes before the scheduled time for necessary formalities. 

    3. Canvassing in any form will leads to disqualification to the candidates. The position is purely temporary on contract basis and co-terminus with completion of project. However, in case of any dissatisfactory performance of the candidate the appointment will be terminated by CO-PI with one month prior notice. 

    Applicants without documents may not appear in walkin Interviews. Make sure to reach before stipulated time for – 11:00 am.

    Venue : Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Vidya Vihar, Raebareli Road Lucknow 226025

    Dates to Consider: Date & Time of walkin Interview : 20-02-2019 (11:00 am)

    Official Notification


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