“Emerging Trends & Career Opportunities in the Field of Pharmaceutical Sciences”
Date : 17th & 18th March, 2018
Organize by : IES INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY in Association With Bhopal Management Association
Important Dates & Registration Fee:
Category On or before 15th march Spot Registration
Student : 200 250
PG Students : 250 300
Teachers 300 350
Contact Detail :
Ph : 9229251478/77, 9713224608
Email : [email protected]
Webstie :
Call For Poster Presentation
Poster may be presented with following information:
i. Max limit: 250 words for abstract
ii. The title of paper, authors name (surname and initial) and affiliations must be given. The presenting author should be indicated with asterisk.
iii. Each author is entitled to submit only one paper as presenting author. Soft copy as a word file of abstract
should be sent to Email: iespharmacy4 iesbplacin on or before 15th March. 2018.
Instructions for Poster Presentation:
Poster should be prepared in portrait format in size 36 x 48 inch. Text should be presented in English and readable from 3 feet distance.
The title of poster (in bold) should cover full width of the poster.
Figures and diagram must be self explanatory. The best three posters will be awarded.