• International Conference on ‘Biotechnological Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development (BioSD 2018)

    • March 23, 2018
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    International Conference on Biotechnol ogical Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development
    XV BRSI Convention V Asia-Oceania Algae Innovation Summit (AOAIS)
    22-25 November, 2018

    Organized by-  CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT)
    In Association with – The Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI)
    Thematic Areas And Scope

    The conference focuses on the recent developments in the frontier areas of Biotechnology keeping in view the multi­disciplinary domains aimed at sustainable innovations and development

    • Chemical and Molecular Biology
    • Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Products and Drug Discovery
    • Environmental Biotechnology
    • Food and Agricultural Biotechnology
    • Energy Biotechnology
    • Renewable Chemicals
    • Algal Biotechnology
    • Biorefinery
    • Nano Biotechnology
    • Industrial Biotechnology and Bioengineering
    • Bio-analyticals and Instrumentation
    • Biodiversity and Conservation
    • Bioinformatics, Omic Tools and Computational Biology
    • Bio-economy and Policy
    • Bio-entrepreneurship
    • Society Interventions and Frugal Innovations

    Scientific Program

    BioSD 2018 is being organized and managed by a panel of International Experts besides the members from CSIR-IICT and BRSI. The Scientific Program of the conference would comprise Plenary and Invited lectures from the internationally acclaimed eminent experts, on recent developments in frontier areas of Industrial Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, Food and Agricultural Biotechnology, Energy Biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, etc. Poster sessions will be organized during three days of the conference for students to showcase their research and interact with the scientific experts. In addition, dedicated Symposia on Bio-Entrepreneur and Frugal Innovations in Biotechnology are also being organized.

    Mini-Symposium on ‘Frugal Innovations in Biotechnology’

    Traditionally India is land for Frugal Innovations. The symposium aims to deliberate and showcase the frugal innovations that are specifically made in the broad domain of Biotechnology with the traditional knowledge and creativity at grass root level. This symposium will be organized, sponsored and managed by both CSIR-IICT and BRSI with a team of experts in Frugal Innovations. Interested innovators should register online by providing a short abstract on the bio-innovation made and pre-selection of entries will be done by the review panel. Selected innovators will be given an opportunity to showcase their work at an international platform to the global scientific fraternity, students and industry at the conference. There is no registration fee for selected frugal bio-innovators.

    Bio-Entrepreneurs Conclave

    The conclave intends to encourage young bio-entrepreneurs and provide opportunity to showcase and connect with global scientific community and industry. It also provides a scope to develop a cohesive network among the SMES, MMEs and academia towards developing sustainable incubation. Bio-entrepreneurs interested in presenting should register with a specified registration fee which also includes a conference kit, access to all scientific sessions, mini­symposiums, cultural programs, etc.

    Young Researchers Rapid Presentation Session

    This scientific session is being organised to provide a platform for young researchers to effectively present their research in 4 minutes of time to showcase their creative and constructive attributes. The best presentations will be judged by a team of experts and will be conferred with a “Young Research Rapid Presentation Award” in the closing session of the conference. Only limited slots will be available. Therefore, participants willing to opt for this, should indicate and submit the abstract at the earliest.

    Scientists-Children Meet

    Around 100 school children from different parts of Telangana State will be given an opportunity to interact with the eminent Scientists. This session is being organized as part of the commitment of CSIR-IICT and BRSI towards “Science for Society”.

    BRSI- Skill Development Program

    BRSI will support selected students with exceptional academic records accompanied by their science teachers from remote rural areas to participate in the conference. The registration, accommodation and travel fare will be supported by BRSI as part of its commitment to Society and Science.

    Industry-Young Researchers Interactive Session

    As part of BRSI tradition, an interactive session on Biotechnology Education and Business: Policy, entrepreneurship and livelihood will be organized.

    Important Dates

    • Deadline for abstracts submission 31-Aug-2018
    • Acceptance notification 15-Sep-2018
    • Deadline for registration (early bird) 30-Sep-2018
    • Accommodation Reservation 10-Oct-2018
    • Cancellation Before 31-Oct-2018

    Conference Secretariat

    Dr. S. Venkata Mohan
    Convener, BioSD 2018
    Bioengineering and Environmental Sciences Lab, EEFF Department
    CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT)
    Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana, India
    e-mail: [email protected],
    Phone: +91 40 2719-1765/1679

    For Detail- Click Here


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