• Cancer rises in the Northeast : Indian Council of Medical Research Report shows Aizawl district in Mizoram has the highest incidence of cancer

    • October 21, 2018
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    The north-eastern part of India has the highest incidence of cancer in the country, according to the latest report of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). In men, age-adjusted incidence rate of all types of cancers is the highest in Aizawl district of Mizoram followed by East Khasi Hills (Meghalaya) and Mizoram state. In women, the highest incidence is in Aizawl district followed by Kamrup urban district (Assam) and Mizoram state. ICMR’s “Three Year Report of Population Based Cancer Registries 2009 2011” has used data collected over three years from the 25 population-based cancer registries (PBCRs) in the country. (Age-adjusted rate is derived statistically and allows comparison between communities with different age structures.)

    In terms of crude rate (ratio of affected people per 100,000 population), the highest rate of cancer has been seen in Aizawl district of Mizoram—168.2 men and 149.5 women per 100,000 population—followed by Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala with 143.5 men and 144.3 women per 100,000 people. Amongst the only two rural cancer registries in the country, Ahmedabad in Gujarat has higher number of men suffering from cancer than in Barshi, Maharashtra. The data shows that 56.8 men per 100,000 people are affected in Ahmedabad compared to 48.5 in Barshi. Barshi has higher cancer incidence among women with 59 cases per 100,000 people compared to 46.1 in Ahmedabad. Data from different PBCRs show that the most common cancers in men are that of the lung, mouth, oesophagus, stomach and nasopharynx. The most common cancers in women are that of breast, cervix, uterus, oesophagus and lung.


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