• Working as Professor/Associate Professor at Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar

    • July 17, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
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    Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, invites Applications in Online/Prescribed format from eligible Indian nationals for appointment on regular basis in the following teaching positions Professor, Associate Professor.

    School of Engineering and Technology(Pharmaceutical Sciences)

    Professor: UR-1, ST-1, OBC*-1

    Associate Professor: UR-2, OBC*-1

    * The posts reserved for OBC are, however, subject to clarification from UGC/MHRD/Gol. Failing which the OBC post will be filled by candidates of Unreserved Category and application received under this category shall be treated as under Unreserved Category.

    ** The Posts of Associate Professors in the Department of Pharmaceutical Science are earmarked for the candidates having specialization in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Pharmacology/ Pharmacognosy.

    **The Posts of Professors in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences are earmarked for the candidates having specialization in any branch of Pharmaceutical Sciences /Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Analysis)/Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry.
    Candidates are requested to carefully read the General Information & Instructions before filling up the Application Form available on the University Website: dhsgsu.ac.in. Candidates are also advised to visit the university website (dhsgsu.ac.in) periodically for further information related to the recruitment process. The Reservation under EWS category will be allowed as per Gol Norms.

    The candidates are not required to submit hardcopy of the duly filled in Application Form at the time of online submission. However, they are required to submit a complete set of Application Form along with supporting documents (each page duly signed) at the time of interview.

    1. The University reserves the right to:-
    i. Withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without assigning any reason thereof.
    ii. Not to fill up any of the advertised positions.
    2. The Qualifications, Pay Scales and other Conditions for the advertised teaching positions shall be in accordance with the “UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education 2018” (hereinafter referred to as UGC Regulations -2018) and its subsequent amendments issued, published in the Gazette of India, and are subject to any future Regulations/Norms, including amendments in the present Regulations stipulated by the MHRD/UGC, AICTE, NCTE etc applicable to such recruitments, which may change from time to time available at UGC website (ugc.ac.in).
    3. The hard copy of the Application Form must be accompanied by additional sheet (wherever required) and enclosures giving details of Academic Qualifications, Experience, Published Work etc.
    4. Application, incomplete in any respect and not accompanied with relevant Certificates/ Documents/Photographs/Orders, as desired or without requisite Fee will be rejected.
    5. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess essential Qualifications as laid down in the Advertisement. In case the minimum qualifications of any subject have not been laid down in the UGC Regulations 2018, the candidates are advised to see the minimum qualifications prescribed by the concerned regulatory body (AICTE, NCTE, PCI etc.).
    6. A Candidate already in employment requires to submit the Application through proper channel. However, the candidate may send an advance copy of the Application and produce the ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of interview.
    7. The Candidates will be called for interview by the University on the recommendations of the Screening Committee, constituted by the Competent Authority.
    8. Experience and Qualification will be reckoned as on the last date of submission of application.
    9. The service conditions and age of superannuation shall be as per UGC Norms.
    10.SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy Layer) and PwD candidates must enclose with the
    Application a ‘hard copy’ of the Caste Certificate/Medical Certificate on prescribed Format of the Government of India, duly issued by the Competent Authority.
    11. OBC (Non-creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit a Certificate in a prescribed Format duly issued on or after 01 -04-2019.
    12. The reservation (including PwDs) for the posts will be as per the Gol Norms/UGC Instructions.
    13. No ‘Interim Correspondence’ shall be entertained.
    14. Outstation candidates belonging to SC/ST categories called for interview for the post of Professor and Associate Professor will be paid to and fro AC-II class railway fare towards journey expenses on production of tickets/proof, as per the University Rules.
    15. The selection procedure shall be as laid down by the UGC Regulations (July 2018) on ‘Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staff.
    16. Good academic record for the position of Associate Professor:
    •  Under Graduate : 50%
    •  Post Graduate : 55%

    How to Apply:
    i. Duly filled-in-Application in Prescribed Format should be submitted online and the hard copy of the same is to reach on the following address by Registered Post/Speed Post only on or before the closing date 15/07/2019 for the submission of Application to:-The Registrar, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar-470 003, M.P. (India).
    ii. The envelope should be superscripted with “Application for the Post of ……………………………….School of Department of………………………………………… ……………………………..and Advt. No………….. dated………………. ………….. ”.

    B. Application Fees:-
    i. Rs 1000/- be paid ‘on-line’ up to 15/07/2019 through “Online Transaction” SC/ST/PwD candidates need to pay Rs 500/- as Application Fee

    C. Documents to be Submitted Along with Application:-
    i. Candidates should submit supporting documentary proofs of all the claims made in the Application, viz Eligibility, Achievements; Publications etc.
    ii. The Candidate should submit the proof of the Impact Factor, Peer Reviewed Journals, Refereed Journals/UGC Approved Journals of each Research Paper, which has been included in the Research Score claimed, duly signed by the Candidate.
    iii. Self-attested (with date) photocopies of all the certificates and mark-sheets of Matriculation Examination and onward examinations. Every page of the ‘Application Form’ as well as the enclosed documents shall be signed by the Applicant, failing which the form may not be considered.

    Last Date : 18th July 2019

    Official Notification


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