• Admission Alert For B. Pharm. / M. Pharm & Ph.D at Doctor Harisingh Gour University, Sagar

    • March 16, 2018
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    Online application form for B. Pharm. / M. Pharm & Ph.D at Doctor Harisingh Gour University, Sagar(Admission Notification 2018-19)

    Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar conducts Entrance Examinations for admission in its various Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Ph.D. Programmes for the academic session 2018 – 19. Admissions in UG and PG Programmes will be given according to the merit in UGET and PGET subject to verification of eligibility in the particular programme during counseling.
    M.Pharm.: Candidates seeking admission tothis programmeshouldbegraduatedinB.Pharm.with 60% orequivalentCGPAandvalidGPAT/GATEscore.Relaxation of 5%marks inthequalifying examinationwill be given tothecandidates belonging to SC, STand PCcategoriesinthis programme.For further information,contact the Head,Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and also visit www.dopssagar.org
    Ph.D: Candidates seeking admission to the Ph.D. Programme must have a Master‟s degree in the concerned/relevant/allied subject with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent CGPA (Where grading system isfollowed)
    (i)Fee for UGET & PGET:-The application fee for UG and PG Entrance test isRs.800/-for Unreserved,OBC and PC candidates and Rs.400/-for SC and ST candidates. The benefit of fee relaxation will be given to the SC/ST candidates only. Such candidates who take the relaxation of the fee shall be considered in that category only, subject to the submission of their caste certificate at the time of counseling.If a candidate applies for more than one programme/code(UGET & PGET) then the fee for each additional programme will be Rs. 400for Unreserved/OBC,PC candidates and Rs.200for SC and ST candidates.
    (ii)Fee for PHDET:-The application fee for Ph.D. Entrance test is Rs. 1000/-for General, OBC and PC candidates and Rs.500/-for SC and ST candidates. The benefit of fee relaxation will be given to the SC/ST candidates.Such candidates who take the relaxation of the fee shall be considered in that category only, subject to the submission of their caste certificate at the time of counseling.
    (iii)A fee of Rs. 50/-shall be paid by the candidate as a portal fee to the MP Online Limited.
    (iv)If a candidate wants to amend entries in his/her application an additional fee of Rs. 20/-shall be paid by the candidate as a portal fee to the MP Online Limited within given time.
    Candidates must ensure that they possess the following in hand before filling the online application:
    1. An e-mail ID for filling in the Application form.
    2. A Mobile Number for filling in the Application form.
    3. A recent passport size colour photograph (for scanning and uploading in “JPEG” format only. File size of the scanned photograph should not be more than 100KB).
    4.Your signature using Blue /Blackpen on a white sheet (for scanning and uploading in “JPEG”format only. File size of the scanned photograph should not be more than 100KB).
    5. Access to an online payment facility /service such as:Net Banking/Credit card/ATM-cum-Debit card or MP Online Kiosk.
    Steps to be followed for filling the online application:
    Step 1 VisitUniversitywebsitewww.dhsgsu.ac.in then go to quick link MPOnline A window showing DoctorHarisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya-Students may click on Service Or a new window appears Application for Admission/Entrance Test2018-19
    Step 2 Click on Online Admission Form:Window for Admission / Entrance Te st2018-19will appear Select the Course UG/PG/Ph.D.as per Your interest. Read the instructions carefully then Click on Continue to Entrance Test Form Application for admission / Entrance Te st2018-19 will appear.
    Step 3 Fill the details carefully:
    • Date of Birth, Name , Father’s Name
    • Give only your Mobile Number and e-mail for re ce ivinge-mails & SMS.
    • Upload your Passport Size Photograph and signature image choosing a suitable file .
    • Cate gory (SC/ST/OBC/OBC-NCL/PC)Check All the particulars care fully then submit the form
    • Fill the Verification code and click Submit Details A form will be generated on monitor with details filled,photograph and application number
    • Submit declaration after declaration Click on Proceed to payment

    Step 4 Select your payment gateway through MP Online authorised KIOSK / Net Banking /ATM cum Debit Card /Credit Cards After payment, an application receipt will be generated. The Monitor re ady copy of the application form will be displaye dStudent can check the ir payme nt re ce ipts by e nte ring Application ID and Date ofBirth

    Step 5 Print the receipt of payment form filling Application Number and Date of Birth.
    Keep two hard copies of the Application form and receipt with you.
    All the Other Information will be available on Website: www.dhsgsu.ac.in/admission

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