• Admission Notice for D.Pharm, M.Pharm 2019 at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi

    • May 7, 2019
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    Admission Notice for D.Pharm, M.Pharm 2018 at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
    M. Pharm Branches: : Pharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy
    Test Center: Jhansi, Gwalior, Lucknow, Allahabad, Chhatarpur, Ghaziabad
    Application form Fee:1100/-

    1 Bundelkhand University shall conduct Entrance Test, 2019 for admission to various courses/subjects of the University for the session 2019-20. Admission will be made according to merit in the Entrance Test 2019, subject to fulfilling the eligibility requirements and availability of seat in the particular course for which the candidate has applied and appeared in the Entrance Test 2019.
    2 The admission shall be made only as per the published scheme. No changes shall be made in this scheme on the ground that the candidate’s qualifying examination result is not declared, or no mark sheet has been issued to the candidate, or the candidate has to appear in supplementary examination, etc. However, the University reserves the right to change the dates of Entrance Test or Admission, if confronted with any special circumstances. A candidate who fails to be present
    for counseling of admission on the date fixed by the University will forfeit his/her claim.
    3 It shall be the duty of the applicant to produce the prescribed/desired documents for admission. In case of non-production of the desired documents, his/her cl
    aim for admission will automatically stand cancelled. The information regarding the desired documents is published in this Information Guidelines and any additional information will be published from time to time.
    4 The applicant is advised to remain vigilant in collecting information published by the University regarding Entrance Test, its results and other such details from relevant sources. The University shall not be responsible if the applicant fails to collect such information.
    1. Detailed information on courses being taughtand eligibility for admission is available on the University website www.bujhansi.ac.in as well as in the Information Guidelines 2019-20.
    2. pplication Form shall be filled online only. To submit application form online, the applicant should visit the University website www.bujhansi.ac.in and fill the form carefully. Applicants are required to fill then own contact no. and e-mail I.D., so that they can be approached properly for further communication.
    3. Registration fee for Online Application Form shall be submitted online through SBI net banking or through ATM/Debit/Credit Card of any nationalized bank. For online fee submission, additional bank charges have to be paid.Applicants are advised to note down the Unique ID,BU Reference No., Bank Reference No./Transaction ID and Application ID for any future communication with the University.After the fee submission, applicants shall be redirected to the University website where options for printing admission form and fee receipt shall be given. Printout of the pay-in-slip of SBI along with the print out of the application form is to be taken by the applicant.4After attaching the requisite documents with printout of online admission form along with fee receipt is to bedispatched by registered post toThe Coordinator, Admission Cell – 2018, Room No. 105, Administrative Block, Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, Jhansi– 284128 (U.P.).
    4. Forms shall not be accepted by hand.
    5. Applicants submitting online forms must submit the print out of online admission form to the above mentioned address by post only, failing which their application shall be cancelled. Use a4 size envelope for sending print out of admission form with name of the course written on the envelope. Do not fold the form.The candidate shall download their admit card for the entrance test from the university website i.e.(bujhansi.ac.in).
    6. University reserves the right not to start any course, if adequate number of applicants are notavailable.
    7. The candidates appearing in the qualifying examination / awaiting result may also apply for admission.However, they will be considered for provisional admission only.
    Last Date of Application form: 25/5/19
    Last Date of Application form with Late Fee: 30/5/19
    Date of entrance exam : 09 June 19
    Result Declaration: 13 June 19

    Apply Online:Click Here
    For more detail: Click Here


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