PharmaFluidics NV, an innovative bio-analytical chromatography company, announced today that it entered into a Partnership Agreement with Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, a global Life Sciences Tools and Instruments leader. The agreement empowers PharmaFluidics to sell Thermo Fisher custom-made EASY-Spray™ transfer lines, in combo sets with PharmaFluidics’ own line of µPAC™ chromatography micro-Chips, to constitute an ultra-high-resolution front-end source platform for Thermo Fisher mass spectrometry (MS) instruments.
“This is an exciting opportunity to facilitate our µPAC™ customers’ proteome analysis workflows and raise their protein identification performance capabilities to new heights,” said Katrien Vanhonacker, Vice President Business Development at PharmaFluidics. “It will provide all users of Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ source-equipped mass spectrometers with familiar access and connections to PharmaFluidics’ separation chip.”
“Today’s bio-analytical customers require robust and easy-to-handle tools, to achieve new levels of performance in HPLC/MS,” said Dr. Sven Klingel, Director Business Development Life Sciences Business Unit, Thermo Fisher. “Our custom-made EASY-Spray™ transfer lines facilitate coupling of µPAC™ columns to our HRAM MS detectors in a simple and easy to use way. As a result of this collaboration, our customers can enhance their separation options with a range of chip based ultra-high-resolution separations and best in class MS instruments to achieve high-quality results.”
The µPAC™ Pillar Array Chromatography technology is an innovative platform that provides high-quality separation capabilities for MS. Using propietary micro-Chip microfluidic technology, the µPAC™ achieves superior separation of components in complex biological samples, improving LC-MS analysis results. The combined capabilities are revolutionizing the analysis of biological samples, allowing researchers, developers and vendors to keep pace in the buoyant and emerging fields of proteomics and protein-based diagnostics.