• Working as Consultant Medical Writer at Indian Council of Medical Research

    • February 9, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment

    Position: Consultant Medical Writer
    No. of Posts: 01
    Essential Qualifications: Ist class Masters (MSc/ M.Pharma) in medical Pharmacology/Biotechnology/ClinicalResearch/Microbiology/Biochemistry with 4-6 years* demonstrated experience in clinical research/trial.
    Desirable Qualification:

    • Demonstrated Experience in regulatory writing as a part of the pharmaceutical or CRO industry
    • Significant knowledge of global, national and other clinical development guidelines
    • Excellent computer skills and relevant applications

    Consolidated Emoluments: Maximum 100000/- per month consolidated depending upon experience and knowledge
    Age Limit according to date: around 70 years

    Position: Consultant (Clinical Coordinator)
    No. of Posts: 01
    Essential Qualifications: Ist class Masters (MSc/ M.Pharma) in medical
    Pharmacology/Biotechnology/Clinical Research/Microbiology/Biochemistry with 4-6 years* demonstrated experience in clinical research/ trial of which one year should be in TB
    Desirable Qualification:

    • Able to prepare SOPs and related documents for clinical trial conduct.
    • Thorough knowledge and understanding of ICH GCP guidelines and relevant regulatory requirements for clinical trial conduct.
    • Experience in co-coordinating project activities
    • Good communication skills

    Consolidated Emoluments: Rs.50,000/- per month **
    Age Limit according to date: around 70 years

    Position: Consultant (Scientific)
    No. of Posts: 01
    Essential Qualifications:

    • Ist class Masters (MSc/ M.Pharma) in medical Pharmacology Biotechnology/ClinicalResearch/Microbiology/Biochemistry with 4-6 years* demonstrated experience in clinical research/trial
    • Should possess administrative skills for managing clinical research.

    Desirable Qualification:

    MD/ or PhD with clinical Research experience in the relevant are preferably from a Government Institute.
    i. Good Scientific writing/Communication skills.
    ii. Knowledge of computer applications or business intelligence tools/data management/data synthesis
    Consolidated Emoluments: Up to Rs. 90000/- (consolidated) per month**
    Age Limit according to date: around 70 years
    How to Apply:
    Interested applicants to the positions mentioned below are invited to appear for the walk-in interview along with 6 copies of the applications from prescribed format (Annexure 1) with a single photograph on 14th February 2019 between 9:00 am to 10:00 am (as mentioned contrary to the respective posts below) at Indian Council of Medical Research Ansari Nagar New Delhi 110029. The candidates may also submit their CV strictly the prescribed format attached before at [email protected];[email protected]. However, the candidate must report for interview at 9.00AM for appearing for the interview on the date cited previously in person for application/CV to be considered at an interview.
    Latecomers won’t be entertained after 11:00 A.M. Under any circumstances.
    Notes: PhD in relevant subject shall be treated equally to 3 years of experience.
    *Selection committee may relax in experience criteria with exceptionally good candidate possessing essential qualifications
    ** Salary will be decided depending on the experience and suitability of this candidate.
    Selection Process: Interview will be conducted for the eligible candidates. But if the number of applicants is found eligible for the post advertised, Written Test/ Skill Test may also be conducted on precisely the exact same day before the final round of Interview.
    The candidates must bring 6 copies of biodata together with all certifications of educational qualifications (from SSC onwards), expertise, Aadhaar Card, together with a single set of photocopies of the same duly attested (maybe self-attested) and a passport size photograph for attending the Written Test/Interview. No TA/DA is going to be compensated for attending the Written Test/ Interview. The recruited project staff is eligible for leave as per rules and might need to provide an undertaking before joining.
    GENERAL CONDITIONS: The conditions for employment is going to be just like that of the project staff on contract basis. The candidates have no right to claim for any regular employment at this Institute. The appointing authority has the right to accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.  Age, Qualification, experience etc., will be reckoned according to the date of walk-in test/ Interview. Notice: No electronic apparatus such as Calculator and Mobile phones would be permitted in the examination Hall.
    Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 14th February 2019. Reporting time 10:00 am- 11:00 am
    Application Format


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