• Working as Junior Scientific Officer (Toxicology) at Central Forensic Science Laboratory

    • November 5, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment

    Junior Scientific Officer (Toxicology)
    Organization– Central Forensic Science Laboratory
    Department/Office– Directorate of Forensic Science Services
    Number of Posts– 02
    Pay Scale– Level 7 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-) in the Pay matrix as per 7th CPC. Total Emoluments excluding TA and HRA at the time of initial appointment will be Rs. 44,900 plus 5D.A. as admissible per month approximately.
    Probation– 02 (Two) years 
    Essential Qualification (s):
    A. Educational-
    Master’s Degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry/Pharmacology/ Pharmacy / Forensic Science with Chemistry as one of the subjects at Bachelor of Science level from a recognized university or equivalent*.
    *The specific essential educational qualifications mentioned in the existing Recruitment Rules only are required for direct recruitment to the post. No other educational qualification is needed to be included in the said educational qualifications under the ambit of the word equivalent.
    Note Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the UPSC in the case of the candidates otherwise well qualified.
    B. Experience-
    Two years experience of Analytical method and research therein in the field of Toxicology.
    Duty(ies) Crime Scene Management, Crime Case Examination, giving evidences in the Courts of Law u/s 293 of Cr. PC, providing guidance to the junior scientific staff for case analysis, R&D activities on Forensic Activities and imparting training in their respective field of forensic specialization to the trainees from different investigating agencies / forensic science labs and other organizations

    Last date- 14th November 2019
    Official Notification


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