• Working as Pharmacist at Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

    • June 6, 2018
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment

    DVC announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed B.Pharma for the position of Junior Pharmacist Vacancy.
    Vacancy  Junior Pharmacist
    Qualification D.Pharma/B.Pharma
    Vacancies 10 Posts
    Salary Rs. 17,636/- Per Month
    Experience 1 – 2 years
    Job Location Kolkata
    Last Date to Apply 25/06/2018

    Other Qualification Details:
    Jr. Pharmacist Gr. II (Contractual), Post No. 2018/4 [ UR-07 OBC-02 SC-01 ]
    (i) Qualification & Experience required: Higher Secondary (Science) or equivalent with 2 years Diploma course in Pharmacy from recognized Institution. Registration with Pharmacist Council of any State or Central. Candidate should have passed Dresser-ship examination or 2 years Post-Qualification experience in Dressing and working in a reputed Hospital/Nursing Home. In case of candidates holding B.Pharma Degree, the post qualification experience for one year in Dressing will be required.
    (ii) Period of Engagement: The appointment will be initially for 01(one) year which may be extended for another maximum 02(two) years. The extension will however be considered after evaluation of performance every year.
    (iii) Consolidated Pay(Per Month): Consolidated Pay of Rs. 17,636/- (Fixed).
    Age: Maximum 65 years of age as on closing date of application for all categories (General/OBC/SC/ST/PWD) of candidates.
    General Instruction
    (i) Before applying /appearing for the Interview/Skill test/Screening, the candidate must ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in the advertisement hoisted on the website www.dvc.gov.in. If any shortcoming is detected after appointment, the services of such candidates are liable to be terminated.
    (ii) DVC reserves the right to cancel the Notification, modify the Qualification Requirement without assigning any reason thereof and any decision of DVC in respect of the shortlisting criteria/ selection process depending upon the number of valid applicants throughout will be final & binding.
    (iii) Reservations and relaxations for SC / ST / OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD (Degree of Disability 40% or above) candidates will be provided as per GOI Guidelines.
    (iv) The candidate claiming to belong to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD/ExServicemen category has to submit attested copy of Caste /PWD certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority specified by GOI Rules/Orders. In case of OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates, latest caste certificate (not older than six months from the date of Interview/Skill test/Screening) needs to be submitted. category at the time of Interview/Skill Test/Screening.
    (v) Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the Employment Notification. The decision of DVC in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of online
    (vi) Candidates are required to sign in the prescribed place provided in the Form in running hand and not in Block Capital or disjointed letter. During physical verification, all signatures should be identical. Different styled Signature at various occasions during Recruitment activities may lead to the rejection of the candidature
    (vii) Candidates whose result of Diploma/Degree/Post-Graduate Degree as the case may be has been declared on or before the last date of application are only eligible to apply. The candidates whose result is going to be declared after the last date of online application are not eligible to apply.
    (viii) Any subsequent amendment/notice/clarification etc., if any, will be made available in DVC website only. As such, candidates are advised to keep visiting DVC website www.dvc.gov.in from time to time till completion of recruitment process of the posts.
    Selection Procedure
    Selection Will be Based on Through Interview/Skill Test/Screening etc.
    How to Apply
    i. Candidates should apply through DVC’s Online Registration System only. The Online Registration will be available on the DVC website www.dvc.gov.in (Under Careers->Recruitment Notice) and will remain activated from 11:00 hrs of 05.06.2018 to 24:00 hrs of 25.06.2018. No other mode of application will be accepted.
    ii. Before appearing for the Interview/Skill Test/Screening, candidates need to fill up the Application Form ONLINE in DVC website www.civc.govin (Under Careers->Recruitment Notice) on and from 05.06.2018 till 25.06.2018 and bring a print out of the Online Application Form duly filled in enclosing all supporting documents in ORIGINAL along with one set of self-attested Xerox copies of supporting documents at Interview/Skill Test/Screening venue for verification. Candidates are required to bring all documents in ORIGINAL as well as XEROX COPIES as mentioned at SI. No. 4 (Page-5).
    iii. Before applying, candidates should keep marksheets of Xth ,Xllth , Diploma, Graduation, Post-Graduation,etc. for entering marks & a scanned copy of coloured photograph (of size between 10 KB to 250 KB) ready to be uploaded while applying ONLINE.
    Opening Date of Application ONLINE – 05.06.2018 (From 11.00 A.M)
    Closing Date of Application ONLINE – 25.06.2018 (Till 24.00 hrs)
    Date, Time, Venue for Interview/Skill Test/Screening – Will be notified on DVC website www.dvc.gov.in (Under Careers-> Recruitment Notices) only. [ MPLOYMENT NOTICE NO. PLR/Medical & Para-Medical (Contractual)/80/2018/36 ]

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