Dibrugarh University announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed Array for the position of Pharmacist.
Vacancies : 01 post
Experience : 1 – 2 years
Job Location : Dibrugarh
Other Qualification Details
Age: As per Government Rules.
Application Fee
Demand Draft of Rs.300/-(Rupees Three Hundred)only, drawn in favour of the Registrar, Dibrugarh University payable at Punjab National Bank, Dibrugarh University Branch,(Code 994000)Dibrugarh.
Address. Dibrugarh University Health Centre, NH-37, Rajapeta, Dibrugarh, Assam 786004.
Selection Procedure
Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview
How To Apply
Accordingly, the applicants who had applied against the earlier advertisement needs to apply afresh, fulfilling the present eligibility criteria and they may claim their application fee deposited earlier within one month from the date of issue of this advertisement. The prescribed form for the above post can be downloaded from the Dibrugarh University website www.dibru.ac.in. No. TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the interview. Dibrugarh University Health Centre, Dibrugarh, which shall have to reach the undersigned on or before 01st November, 2018.