• Working as Pharmacist at South Central Railway, Secunderabad Division

    • June 18, 2020
    • Posted By : admin
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    Secunderabad Division, South Central Railway is conducting walk in/on line interview for the candidates, who fulfill the qualification, experience and other terms and conditions to be engaged as full time medical staff on contractual basis in Medical Department of Secunderabad Division, South Central Railway.

    Name of Post: Pharmacist. Number of Post: 01.  Remuneration: Rs 44,808/- . Educational Qualification: 10+2 in Science or its equivalent, with Diploma in Pharmacy fro recognized institution and registered as Pharmacist under th Pharmacy Act, 1948 (OR) Bachelor degree in Pharmac (B, Pharma) from a recognized University or equivalent an Registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

    Period of contract:  For a period of nine months from the date of engagement or till the vacant posts are filled by RRB candidates/by transfer of Permanent employee from other Division/ Zonal Railways whichever is the earliest.

    Experience : Candidates applying for the post of Hospital Attendant should possess-experience of working at least One year in a medical facility having atteast 20 bed indoor facilities. For all other categories the candidates with. experience be.given-preference, candidates .while applying . should  indicate past service rendered, if any including the period of contract put them on indian railways. 

    Terms and Conditions: i). The engagement of the above medical staff would be on full time contract basis for a period of nine months (09) from the date Of engagement Or till regularly selected RRB candidates are available cr till the currency of the scheme exists, whichever is theearliest.

    ii). The Contract Of full-time Medical Practitioner (hereinafter referred to as CMP)/Pharmacist/Hospital Attendant, is also terminable before the expiry of the contract period, on urn-satisfactory performance. Their services rendered as contract medical staff is a stop-gap arrangement and will not have any bearing in respect of consideration Of their period ot service in case of regular selection through Railway Recruitment Board, This contract engagement will also not confer any right to regularization or absorption

    iii).During the validity of the contract, the CMP/ Pharmacist/HospitalAttendant will be at liberty to terminate the contract for betterment of t-is / her career or on Other grounds by giving 15 days notice to the Railways. The contract can also terminated by the Railways at any time during the contract by giving 15 days notice without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Contract shall also be terminated, if the CMP Pharmacist/Hospital Attendant is found to be mentally or physically ,incapacitated.

    iv). The CMP/ Pharmacist/Hospital Attendant shall undergo a medical examination, before the contract is entered into, for ensuring his / her fitness to perform the work awarded to him / her.

    v) The minimum working hours will be 08 hours per day,that may include day/night or day-cum-night as per exigency of service. The rest/weekly off may be on different days, not necessarily on holidays & Sundays etc.

    vi). The selected Candidates will have to bring the following original documents along with one attested copy of the documents, a) All Education certificates ( i.e. SSLC/SSC, HSC, Degree etc) b) If already employeed, NOC from the current employer c) Relevant work Experience certificate [if any. d) Certificate of character ang antecedents fromftwo gaietted officers of the Central / State Government. 

    vii). The contract medical staff shall not be entitled for Railway Quarters etc,. as a matter of right. However, if available they may be provided accommodation. If government accommodation is provided, an amount equivalent to the sum of HRA plus license fee Of the accommodation so provided will bededucted.

    viii). The contract will cease to operate on completion of the period Nine months from the date of engagement automatically without issue of any notice etc or joining of regular candldates through RRB/ by transfer of Permanent employee from other Division/ Zonal Railways whichever is earlier.

    Address: Chief Medical Superintendent, Health unit, Chilkalguda, Secunderabad. Selection Procedure : Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview How to Apply : a) Candidate will attend the interview along with the original documents & attested copies of certificates in support of their. i) Educational qualification. ii) Proof of Date of Birth.  iii) Relevant work Experience, if any The certificates should be mailed to [email protected] on or before 28.06.2020.

    b) Candidates are advised to keep their personal mobile number and personal valid e- mail ID active throughout the engagement Of contract the process, as communications will be sent throuch SMS/e-mail.

    Place of Interview : O/o, Chief Medical Superintendent, Health unit, Chilkalguda, Secunderabad.

    Walk in Date: 30th June 2020

    Official Notification


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