• Working as Research Associate at IISER Pune

    • April 12, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment

    Name of the Post: Research Associate (RA)
    No. of Posts: 01
    Name of the Project“Internal state-dependent modulation of decision making: CART neuropeptide in coordinating energy levels with risk-taking behavior at the amygdala”
    Educational Qualification:
    Ph.D. in any branch of Life Sciences or equivalent. Candidates, who have submitted their thesis but still haven’t received their degrees, may also apply. Candidate must possess at least one peer-reviewed global publication from his / her Ph.D.
    Necessary Experience:

    1. Rodent handling and rodent behaviour
    2. Basics of rodent neuroanatomy.
    3. Experience in stereotaxic surgery on rat/mouse brains
    4. Bright field and fluorescence microscopy and morphometric analysis.

    Preference: Candidates having research articles demonstrating competence in brain and behaviour studies using the approaches indicated above will probably be favoured.
    Tenure of this appointment: The tenure of this appointment Originally for one year, extendable for a further period subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbent and continuation of this study project.
    Consolidated Emoluments:
    1) Rs.36, 000/- per month + 30 percent HRA.
    2) Candidates who have submitted their thesis but not completed defense (i.e. candidates with no provisional certification of having qualified for the degree), will be designated as SRF and compensated Rs. 28,000 + 30 percent HRA until the period of submission of Provisional Ph.D. certification.
    Age: Not more than 35 years according to the final date of Ad.
    How to Apply:
    In the time of the interview, applicants will need to bring richly filled prescribed application form (available below advertisement link), self-attested photocopies of certificates in support of educational qualification, experience, date of birth and also in support of information submitted in the application form and a current passport size colour picture.
    The applicant should also bring all of the original certificates at the time of interview for the purpose of confirmation.
    Date, Time & Venue of Interview: Monday, April 22, 2019, at 10.00 AM at Seminar
    Room No. 34, Second Floor, Main Building, IISER Pune, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road – 41100
    Application Form


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