• Working as Research Associate/Senior Research Fellow At Pondicherry University

    • March 6, 2018
    • Posted By : admin
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    Recruitment of one Post of Research Associate / Senior Research Fellow Under a CSIR Project

    Last Date:  12-03-2018

    Applications are invited in hard copy form on or before 12.03.2018, 13 hrs, with details of qualifications and experience supported by attested copies of certificates/marks-sheets and publications for the following position (one) borre on the CSIR project To develop processes for the total utilization of lignocellulosic biowaste with simultaneous methane capture and carbon sequestration: with special reference to the utilization of weeds lantana, parthenium and ipomoea. The levels of qualifications and duration of experience, as stipulated by the CSIR. are as under

    Research Associateships (Rs 36,000/- PM)/SRF (Extended) (Rs 20,000/- PM)

    Doctorate (PhD/MD/MS/MDS) or equivalent degree OR having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/M.Pharm/M.Tech.

    Those who have submitted PhD thesis can also be selected for RAship provisionally, as SRF (extended), for one year only pending award of PhD degree.

    Age limit: 33 years for SRF (extended) and 35 years for RA, relaxable uplo 5 years for SC/ST/OBC, women, and physically handicapped candidates.

    The PG degree preceding the doctorate degree/research experience should be preferably in the field of environmental engineering/environmental tcchnology/environmental scicnce/ccology and the subsequent experience should preferably be in areas related to the theme of the project. Research should be evidenced by publications in standard joumals/compendia.

    The interviews will be held at this office at 3 PM on 12.03.2018. Those fulfilling the abovementioned qualifications should appear for interview’ accordingly. No separate interview call will be issued and no TA/DA is payable. For any clarification please e-mail the undersigned.

    Dr.S.A. Abbasi,
    Emeritus Scientist,
    Centre for Pollution Control and Environmental Engineering
    Email: <[email protected]>

    For Detail- Click Here


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