• Working as Senior Research Fellow at Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Delhi,

    • May 8, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
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    CCRAS announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed M.Pharma, BAMS, for the position of Senior Research Fellow.

    Senior Research Fellow

    Total Vacancies- 06 Post

    Educational Qualification:

    1. Qualification : (i) M.Sc.in Chemistry with two years research experience. OR M. Pharma(Ay urveda .Quality control) from a recognized University/Institution.
    (ii) Graduate in Medical disciplines viz BAMS
    2. Desirable : 
    (i).The candidate in the panel list of SRF for CCRAS Research project made through AYUSH NET examination 2016-17/2017-18 will also be considered if willingness is made by such candidates. The panel list of AYUSH NET examination 2016-17/2017-18 is available at website of CCRAS www.ccras.il ic.in.
    (ii). Preference will be given to those who possess higher qualification or who have previous research experience i.e having worked for any research project funded by the Ministry of AYUSH,ICMR,CSIR,DST or equivalent organization.
    (iii). Skills of drafting editing of scientific documents/articles/technical reports etc 4. Publication in peer reviewed journals 5. Working knowledge of computer applications.
    (iv). Preference will be given to those who possess higher qualification viz., M. Tech/M.E. (Computer Science), equivalent PG Degree or who have previous research experience i.e. having worked for any research project funded by the Ministry of AYUSH, ICMR, CSJR, DST or equivalent organization.
    (v) Working knowledge of Websitedevelopment based on PHP, MYSQL,Angular-JS, CSS3, HTML5 & Android Appdevelopment.
    (VI) Working knowledge of Sanskrit language & Epistemology (grammar/Syntax) or working association of working with such teams.
    (vii). Preference will be given to those who possess higher qualification viz. Ph.D (Sanskrit) from recognized University or who have previous research experience i.e. having worked for any research project funded by the Ministry of AYUSH, ICMR, CSIR, DST or equivalent organization.
    (viii) Working knowledge of Computer applications.
    (xi) Skills of drafting/edition of scientific documents/books etc
    3. Salary : Rs.28000/- +admissible HRA
    Age: 35 Years.
    Address: Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, 61-65, Institutional Area, Opp. ‘D’ Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058
    Note: 1. The engagement would be purely on contractual basis and co-terminus with the project and no claim for continuance of regular appointment will be entertained.
    2. The eligibility of candidates in respect of age will be determined as on date of interview & Relaxation in age for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Govt, of India Rules.
    3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
    4. The application format may be downloaded from the Council’s website .www.ccras.nic.in
    Selection Procedure: Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview
    How to Apply: Interested candidates fulfilling the essential qualification and age limit may apply in the prescribed proforma along-with self attested copy of certificate in support of age and essential qualification and two passport size recent photographs. The candidates are required to appear for interview at the AYUSH Auditorium of the Council. The Candidates who are called for interview will be required to carry their original testimonials for verification. The retired personnel applying for the post of Jr. Consultant (Hindi/Official Language) should bring the original P.P.O. along-with one self attested copy of the same. The interested candidates must reach the venue at 10.00 am for registration on the stipulated date and beyond that, no candidate will be entertained.

    Walk-In Date : 14th May 2019

    Official Notification


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