• Working as Technicians at District Health and Family Welfare Society, Narnaul

    • June 25, 2020
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment

    Post Name: Technician No of Post: 17

    Educational Qualification: Registered B, Pharmacy, D. Pharmacy/ GNM/ BSc Nursing
    ii. Hindi / Sanskrit up to Matric.

    Name of Pay Band: PB I Pay Band: 5200 – 20200 Grade Pay: 2800 Entry Level Pay Remuneration: 11170

    Important Instructions: 1. If the candidate had done his her qualification diploma/degree through distance modeåegular mode then the university should be approved from Distance Education Council or joint committcc of DEC. UGC and AICTE as the case may be It be responsibility of the applicant to produce the proof of approval or his/ her degree/diploma from above mentioned authorities as the case may be. 2. The qualification should be completed before closing date of of application. Knowledge of Hindi or Sanskit up to Matric Standard is required. 3. Number of posts can be increased or decreased by District Authorities (Civil Surgeon Narnaul). 4. Selected candidates shall not have any glaim for regularization of his/her sevices but the duties performed under this context, she/ he has been engaged for project financed by Government of India having specific tenure. 5. No TA./ DA be paid for coming for interview and no separate information will be sent to applicant for interview. 6. This office will not responsble for any postal delay.

    Selection Procedure : Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview

    How to Apply : 1. Application form will be available from day of advertisement published in news paper till 30-06-2020 in O/o Dy. Civil Surgeon on any working day between office hrs working day up to 30-06-2020 up to 5 P.M 2. One Application will be considered for one post only. Application form without having the post name and category/serial number will be rejected 3. Applicant should reach given dates at 10:00 am in the DHFWS Office for walk-in Interview No applicant  will be entertained 10.00 am 4. Original documents in support of academic qualifications and work experience shall be required to be produced at the time of interview.

    Walk In Interview: 06th July 2020

    Official Notification


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