• Decrease in malaria incidences: SBI General Insurance study

    • April 26, 2019
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    On this World Malaria Day, SBI General Insurance has come out with a report which shows a reduction in the number of claims due to malaria in India. The company showcases the fact they have seen a significant decline in the data of paid claims for this disease in the last 3 years.

    As per the data released by SBI General Insurance, the highest number of claims paid is seen in the millennial (Age 18-35). Although the distribution percentage for number of claims has seen a decline from 52.8% to 45.5% for the group – this may be due to improvement in hygiene and cleanliness drives through our country. The research also shows that males are more affected by the disease as compared to the females. In FY 18 -19, 65% cases of claim settlement were seen in male whereas it is 37% in the case of female.

    As per the findings, the disease is more prominently seen in the Non-Metro cities where the percentage of claim is 52% as compared to the metro cities where 48% claims are seen. The major factor for this is the awareness of hygiene been more in metros than the non-metro cities.

    Uttar Pradesh has been reported with highest number of claims as well as amount for malaria fever related claims, followed by Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.

    “Our research shows that India has already started its journey towards this mission. Most of which has come due to increased awareness towards hygiene and sanitation which is seen in every part of the country. There has been a significant decrease in the number of claims in the last 3 years. However, there is a lot to be done”, said Sukhesh Bhave, Head, – Accident & Health Claims, SBI General Insurance.


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