BEMER India will host International Public Health Conference on Physical Vascular Therapy in Hyderabad for the first time in city on 15th September, 2018. This was announced by BEMER India CEO, Chitvan Malik, a Wellness Educator and a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist since 15 years.
This year’s conference features three other specialists from the BEMER Technology field. The day-long presentation will review the latest developments in the technology while outlining the most effective uses of the system. BEMER units will be available for trial sessions at the conference.
This is the 4th annual international conference held in India. This year’s event features from USA – Dr Thomas Lodi, an Integrative Oncologist and Martha Spalding a noted physiotherapist including Dr HSR Arora from Hyderabad.
Dr Lodi specializes in difficult cancer cases, while Ms Spalding specializes in Physical Therapy Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Integrative Manual Therapy.
The acronym BEMER stands for Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation and at its heart is a patented complex signal developed 17 years ago. BEMER International, holds five international patents and is classified as a Class 1 medical device by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
According to Chitvan Malik, the wave signal generated by the BEMER has been shown, in numerous medical studies, to increase micro-circulation and oxygen by 29% which leads to improved healing in both chronic and acute conditions. Two of the most recently completed studies suggest that BEMER can be an effective treatment for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), dementia and cognitive decline, and Diabetic wound healing and peripheral neuropathy. “ (More information on these studies is available on request.) she added.
Recommended treatment is just 8 minutes, twice a day which leads to a 29% increase in blood flow in the micro-vessels, and speeds up detoxification.
In addition to the medical experts, BEMER users from Hyderabad will be sharing their dramatic personal accounts of the health improvements they have seen since they began using BEMER Therapy. BEMER has been proven very helpful in cases of non-healing diabetic wounds, for children with special needs and autism and improving kidney function.