• ICMR-ICRC asks Institutions to submit research proposals On cancer

    • October 3, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
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    The proposals must address one of these thematic areas. Its aim is to produce outcomes that are readily translatable into practice preferably in multidisciplinary collaborative mode. It should be innovative and promote development of indigenous technologies.

    It should be feasible and within the constraints of funding and time available. Projects that are ready for implementation or scalability in the form of deliverables and point of care technologies will be given priority.

    These projects should preferably focus on common cancers like tobacco related, cervical cancer, breast cancer etc. Considering the high incidence and paucity of data on cancer in the North-East India, projects from North-East region will be given preference.

    In order to improve cancer outcomes for the public, India Cancer Research Consortium (ICMR-ICRC) under Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has asked institutions to submit research proposals under areas of cancer prevention and epidemiology, communication research and big data analysis, scaling up studies and cancer diagnostics among other relevant subjects.

    ICMR-ICRC is a research collaboration established under the aegis of Department of Health Research (DHR) to promote, articulate and prioritise cancer research in our country.

    The Consortium’s Technical Advisory Group, which includes leading national and international experts, has identified six key thematic areas to prioritize and articulate research challenges.

    The Consortium will bring together all stakeholders working on cancer including researchers, health-care professionals, government and non-government organisations, public health representatives and policy makers under one umbrella.

    ICRC aims to provide a framework to the research community for planning and implementation of prioritized research through the establishment of a common platform.

    Other relevant areas for proposals are identification of biomarkers for pre and early neoplastic lesions, cancer therapeutics including new targets and repurposing of drugs, palliative care assessment of need and solution in palliative care in India, basic biology, cancer immunology (including neo-antigens, vaccines, metabolites and cancer stem cells and signaling pathways, innovation development of validation assay/tool/solution which are ready to be rolled out for clinical trial in 3 years.


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