• Lynparza approved in EU for advanced breast cancer

    • April 11, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment

    The European Commission has approved MSD’s Lynparza (olaparib) as a monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with germline BRCA1/2-mutations (gBRCAm), and who have human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative locally-advanced or metastatic breast cancer.

    Under the licensed indication, patients should have previously been treated with an anthracycline and a taxane in the (neo)adjuvant or metastatic setting unless they were unsuitable for these treatments. Patients with hormone receptor (HR)-positive breast cancer should also have progressed on or after prior endocrine therapy, or be considered unsuitable for endocrine therapy.

    The approval was based on data from the randomised, open-label, Phase III OlympiAD trial which tested Lynparza vs. physician’s choice of chemotherapy (capecitabine, eribulin, or vinorelbine).

    In the trial, Lynparza provided patients with a statistically-significant median progression-free survival improvement of 2.8 months (7.0 months for Lynparza vs. 4.2 months for chemotherapy). Patients taking Lynparza experienced an objective response rate (ORR) of 52%, which was double the ORR for those in the chemotherapy arm (23%).


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