1. Commencement of Entry of Application Online: From 11.00 am on 29.05.2018
2. Last Dateto Enter Application details online up to : 5.30 pm on 29.06.2018
3. Last date to pay the fees in the Specified Bank/s.up to : 4.00 pm on 30.06.2018
4, Downloading of Admission Tickets on or after: Will be notified by KEA
Eligibility Conditions
1. The Candidatecan apply for more than one post if eligible, in the same application form.Candidate should be a Citizenof India.The male candidate who has more than one wife living and female candidate who have married a man already having another wife are not eligible for recruitment unlessthey have obtained prior permissionfrom the Government
2. The candidate must be physically and mentally fit and he should be able to dischargetheir duties confidently for the post to which he/she will be selected.The candidate who attempts to obtain extraneous support by any means for his candidature from officials or non-officials is not eligible for appointment to the posts specified in this recruitment.
3. The candidate who is or has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or who is or has been temporarily debarred or disqualified by the Union or any State Public Service Commission from appearing for examinations or selections conducted by it shall not ordinarily be appointed to the posts specified in this recruitment, unless the Government after a review of all the circumstances consider him suitable for such appointment.
4. The candidate; I. who is or has been a member of, or has associated himself or herself with, anybody or association after such body or association is declared as an unlawful body or association; OR II. has partlclpated in or is associated with, any activity or programme: i. aimed at subversionof the Constitution of India; ii. aimed at organised breachor defiance of law involving violence; which is prejudicial to the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India or the Securityof the State; or iv. which promotes, on grounds of religion, race, language, caste or community, feelings of enmity or hatred between different sections of the people; or v. is dismissed from service under the Government of India or any State Government; or vi. is or has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the Union or any State Public Service Commissionfrom appearing for any examinations or selections conducted by it; are not eligible to the posts specified in this recruitment.
Selection Procedure
All eligible candidates should appear for the Competitive Examination conducted by Karnataka Examinations Authority
How to Apply
Candidates have to apply only through online by browsing the URL: “KCI recruitment -2018” in the KEA Websitehttp://kea.kar.nic.in/. There is no pen and paper method of applying. Detailed instructions regarding filling application online is hosted on the KEA Website http://kea.kar.nic.in/