• Working as Pharmacist at District Mission Director, Malkangiri.

    • February 26, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment

    Post Name: Pharmacist- MHT-RBSK
    Vacancies 10 Posts
    Salary Rs. 11,011/- Per Month

    Essential Qualification Details:

    Must have passed 42 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha’ equivalent and passed Diploma in Pharmacy from any of the 3 (three) Govt. Medical college and Hospitals of the state/ any other private institutions duly recognized by Government of Odisha or All India Council of Technical Education. Diploma in pharmacy from a recognized Institute and approved by PCI should have registered under Odisha State Pharmacy Council (must have valid registration certificate as on date of advertisement).
    Desirable Qualification: Comouter proficiency (MS Office).
    Pharmacist cum Logistic Assistant
    Vacancies 01 Posts
    Salary Rs. 10,309/- Per Month
    Essential Qualification Details:

    Must have passed 42 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha’ equivalent and passed Diploma in Pharmacy from any of the 3 (three) Govt. Medical college and Hospitals of the state/ any other private institutions duly recognized by Government of Odisha or All India Council of Technical Education. Diploma in pharmacy from a recognized Institute and approved by PCI should have registered under Odisha State Pharmacy Council (must have valid registration certificate as on date of advertisement).
    Desirable Qualification: Comouter proficiency (MS Office).
    Age: Not Less than 21 years & Not More than 32 years

    Venue: Office Of The CDM & PHO Cum District Mission Director, Malkangiri.

    Terms and Conditions
    1. The above positions are purely temporary, co-terminus with the scheme and may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position. Details of vacancy eligibility, age, application form etc. can be downloaded from the Malkangiri District Web Portal (www.malkanqiri.nic.in).
    2. Candidates are required to apply in prescribed format available in the website wvmmalkanqiri.nic.in and to submit along with a set of self attested copies of all certificates in educational qualification, caste age, experience, No Objection Certificate from the appointing authority in case of employed 8 one set of self attested photocopies of the same and two recent passport size photographs, ID proof (Voter ID/ PAN/ Driving License/ Passport/ Aadhar Card) & Caste certificate issued by the competent authority. No cetificate will be accepted at later stage of recruitment, iffails to produce with the application.
    3. Candidate, who are already working in Health Department either on regular or on contractual basis, have to submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the employer (appointing authority) at the time of interview, without which they will not be eligible for appearing interview. NOC issued by any other authority other than appointing authority will not be accepted. NOC must be specific for the post, s,he applying and must be issued subsequent to issue of the advertisement. Knowledge in Odisa:
    4 .The candidate must- be able to read, write and speak Odia; have passed middle school examination with Odia as language subject or have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as medium of examination in non-language subject; or have passed in Odia as language subject in the final examination of class VII from a school Or educational institution recognized by the Govemment of Odisha or the Central Government; or have passed a test Odia in Middle English School standard conducted by the School and Mass Education Department. nterested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are to attend on the date of walk in interview as per the date & time specified,
    Selection Procedure: Selection  Will be based on Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, Pharmacist cum Logistic Assistant – Qualification, Dental Technician, Optometrist, Medical Officer, Consultant, Pediatrician- Merit Basis
    How to Apply
    1. The Walk In Interview will be held on1/3/2019. The above positions are purely temporary and co terminous with the scheme. Interested candidates can log on to www.malkangiri.nic.in for details of vacancy, eligibility criteria, selection criteria, general terms & conditions, age, application form etc. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may appear for registration on the date as mentioned against each post. Registration timing will be from 1030 A.M. to 12.00 Noon only on Walk-in- Interview dates.
    2. No application will be received after scheduled timing of registration. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the application/ process without assigning any reason thereof. The actual numbers of vacancies & monthly consolidated remuneration may differ (increase or decrease) at the time of engagem

    Walk-In Date 01/03/2019

    Official Notification


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