Indian Navy invites applications for the following Group “C” posts from persons serving in similar, equivalent or higher grades in the lower formations of the Defence Services in the prescribed proforma as given at Annexure-I. Eligible Defence Civilian Employees to apply by Registered/Speed Post (Application in other forms of mailing will not be accepted). The Details of Post are as Follows
Post : Pharmacist
Number of Post- 01
Level of Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) : Level-5, Rs 29200-92300
Essential & Desirable Qualifications
(i) Matriculation or equivalent.
(ii) Registered under clause (c) of section 31 or 32 of Pharmacy Act 1948.
(iii) Persons serving in similar, equivalent or higher grades in the civil post in the Defence Services and possessing the above qualifications.
Indication of duties
Storing medicine, distribution/issue medicines, maintaining records, making indent.
Mode of Selection:
(a) Physical Fitness Test : All eligible candidates for the posts of Fire Engine Driver and Fireman will have to undergo physical fitness test as per standards specified. Exact date, time and venue will be communicated to the eligible applicants by mail/post.
(b) Provisional Appointment Letter: The appointment of provisionally selected candidates will be strictly based on the merit position based on performance/assessment, subject to satisfaction of Document Verification, Medical Examination and other requirement as specified by the Government of India and Appointing Authority.
(c) Document Verification : All relevant documents pertaining to age, education, identity, address, category, caste, Service etc., will be scrutinized and verified prior to provisional appointment as per extant DOP&T policy. Date and Venue for document verification will be intimated to the provisionally selected candidates by post.
How to Apply :
The Application should be on plain paper (A4 Size) (good quality paper should be used) either neatly hand written or typed as per the prescribed format, affixed with latest passport size colour photograph duly self attested. The envelop must be clearly super scribed on the top as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (NAME OF POST) BY TRANSFER (NOW ABSORPTION) and sent by Registered/Speed Post only to The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief {for SO(CRC)}, Headquarters, Eastern Naval Command, Utility Complex, 2nd Floor, Naval Base, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 (Andhra Pradesh).
Application Process
Address: The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Headquarters, Eastern Naval Command, Utility Complex, 2nd Floor, Naval base, Visakhapatnam 530014 Andhra Pradesh
Last Date: 13th April 2019