• Working as Research Associate at National Institute of Immunology

    • June 8, 2018
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment

    NII announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed M.Phil/Ph.D, M.Pharma for the position of Research Associate.
    Post- Research Associate
    Vacancies – 01 Post
    Last Date to Apply – 19/06/2018

    Other Qualification Details:
    1 .Name of the project & Duration of the Project: “Centre for Excellence in vaccine delivery using biodegradable polymeric particles” funded by DBT Tenable till-17.12.2020
    2. Educational Qualifications: Research Associate: Ph.D/M.Pharm having 3 years experiences in polymeric particle based drug and vaccine delivery.
    3. Emoluments: The selected candidates may be placed in any of the below categories depending upon qualification & experience. Research Associate: Rs. 36,000/- to Rs. 40,000/- per month plus 30% HRA
    4. Job description & Desired Knowledge: Research Associate: Candidates having experiences in animal experimentation or immunological techniques will be given preferences.
    5. pplication Fee: Rs 100/-
    General Terms and Conditions
    The candidates selected for the posts will be on contract for one year or duration of the project whichever is shorter, at a time. Applicants may clearly mention the category they belong to i.e. SC/ST/OBC/PH and attach documentary proof of the sameNo TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview, if called for Apart from sending application in the prescribed format given below, candidates should send complete Curriculum Vitae along with the names of three referees. Curriculum Vitae should contain details of the experimental expertise and list of publications
    National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Delhi 110067
    Selection Procedure
    Only Short listed candidates will be called for interview
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates may apply directly, STRICTLY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT GIVEN BELOW, through e-mail, to the Investigator of the project, clearly indicating the name of the project along with their complete C.V., E-mail-ID, fax numbers, telephone numbers. Only Short listed candidates will be called for interview and they required to submit attested copies of all their certificates and a Demand Draft of Rs 100/- drawn on Canara Bank or Indian Bank payable at Delhi/New Delhi in favour of the Director, NII (SC/ST/PH and Women candidates are exempted from payment of fees) subject to submission of documentary proof), at the time of interview.

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