• Working as Sepoy Pharmacist at Indian Army, Visakhapatnam

    • February 26, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
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    Indian Army announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed Diploma, B.Pharma for the position of Sepoy.

    Sepoy Pharmacist

    Vacancies 01 Post

    Location Hyderabad|Secunderabad, Chennai, Visakhapatnam

    Educational Qualification Details: 10+2 /Intermediate exam pass and qualified in D Pharma with Minimum 55% in aggregate and registered with State Pharmacy Council/ Pharmacy council of India. Individuals qualified in B Pharma with minimum 50% marks and registered with State Pharmacy Council / Pharmacy Council of India will also be eligible.

    3. Physical Standards: Height (in cm) – 165, Weight (in kg) – 50 & Chest (in cm) – 77 cm & 5 cm expansion

    Age: 19 years to 25 years.

    Other Qualification Details:
    1. Categories:  Sepoy Pharma
    2. Educational Qualification: 10+2 /Intermediate exam pass and qualified in D Pharma with Minimum 55% in aggregate and registered with State Pharmacy Council/ Pharmacy council of India. Individuals qualified in B Pharma with minimum 50% marks and registered with State Pharmacy Council / Pharmacy Council of India will also be eligible.
    3. Physical Standards: Height (in cm) – 165, Weight (in kg) – 50 & Chest (in cm) – 77 cm & 5 cm expansion
    Age: 19 years to 25 years.
    (a) Admit Card . Printed with Laser Printer on good quality paper (Do not shrink the size).
    (b) Photographs. Twenty copies latest coloured 34mm x 45mm passport size photographs not taken earlier than six months with Name and Date of Birth printed on bottom of photographs of the candidates. The photograph should be without facial hair (Beard) and preferably with light coloured background and plain/light coloured shirt. Computer Printouts / photoshopped photographs will NOT be accepted.
    (c) Education Certificate
    (d) Domicile Certificate. Candidates to produce latest automated Nativity, Community and Date of Birth Certificate issued by District Administration of their native state in English (i.e from mee seva). Residence Certificate holders are not allowed to participate in the rally
    (e) Caste Certificate. Caste Certificate affixed with photographs (Maharashtra State does not issue with photograph) of the candidate issued by the Tehsildar/District Magistrate.
    (f) Religion Certificate . Religion Certificate issue by the Tehsildar/SDM (if religion as “ SIKH/HINDU/MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN “ is NOT mentioned in caste Certificate).
    (g) School Character Certificate. School Character Certificate issued by the School/College Principal/Headmaster, where the candidate last studied.
    (h) Character Certificate . School Character Certificate with photographs issued by the Village Sarpanch/Municipal Corporation within last six months.
    (j) Unmarried Certificate. Unmarried certificate for candidates less than 21 years of age with photographs issued by village Sarpanch / Municipal Corporation within last six months. (Format of Unmarried Certificate is attached with the notification.)
    (k) Relationship Certificate.
    (l) NCC Certificate.
    Other Condition
    1. For the candidates below the age of 21 years, Indian Army will enroll only unmarried candidates. In case any candidate below 21 yrs is married to the widow of the deceased brother and eligible for Instant Enrolment, a case for waiver will be considered by Recruiting Directorate.
    2 .Registration. All candidates are required to register themselves online on the website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in and apply online wef 20 Feb to 21 Mar 2019. Kindly read instructions for registration and filling application forms on HQ Rtg Zone, Chennai web page of the joinindianarmy website.
    Selection Procedure
    (a) Physical Fitness Test (PFT)(b) Physical Measurement Test (PMT) (c) Medical. (d) Common Entrance Examination
    How to Apply
    1. Army Recruitment Rally under the aegis of Headquarters Recruiting Zone, Chennai will be conducted by Army Recruiting Office, Secunderabad on 30 Mar 2019 at Gajraj Stadium, Army Ordnance Centre (AOC), Secunderabad to enroll eligible candidates into the Army from all districts of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu incl A & N GP of Island and Puducherry (UT) in Sepoy Pharma category. Candidates will have to apply online only, on the official web site www.joinindianarmy.nic.in from 20 Feb 2019 to 21 Mar 2019. Admit card will be issued online after 22 Mar 2019.
    2. Candidates are requested to bring their admit card and application at the rally site. Date and time of reporting at rally site will be mentioned on the admit card. Print out of the admit card can be downloaded and printed with effect from 23 Mar 2019 from www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. Individuals reporting on any other date than the date mentioned in the admit card will not be allowed to attend the rally. Candidates are advised to carry their Admit Card in water proof transparent document sleeves/ sheet protection to cater for guard against damage due to inclement weather.

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