• Working asJunior Research Fellow at NIPER, S.A.S. Nagar.

    • April 6, 2019
    • Posted By : admin
    • 0 Comment
    Post Name: Junior Research Fellow
    No of  Vacancies: 01
    Educational Qualification: M.Tech. in Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/ MS Pharm in Biotechnology or M.Sc. in Biological Sciences etc.
    Pay  Scale: Rs.25000/-p.m. + HRA
    Age Limit: Below 28 years.
    How to Apply:
    1. Only eligible Indian nationals should appear for the interviews along with the application form to be downloaded from Institute’s website <www.niper.gov.in>.
    2. Application Fee: The candidate(s) who fulfill the eligibility criteria should bring the application on the prescribed application form along with attested copies of testimonials / degrees/ certificates etc. in support of the averments made in the qualification, experience and other columns in the application form along with latest passport size photograph and prescribed fee, as mentioned below, in the shape of Demand Draft favouring Director, NIPER payable at S.A.S. Nagar/Chandigarh. i. Application fee for Unreserved and OBC category: Rs.100/- ii. Application fee for SC/ST/PWD/female candidate: NIL
    3. Candidates shall have to produce original testimonials at the time of interview, failing which the interview will not be allowed. The original certificates / degree etc of the candidate(s) are subject to verification before joining, in case of selection.
    4. Candidates with incomplete application or without relevant supporting enclosures (i.e. self attested copies of degree / certificates / marks sheets / experience certificate / reprint of important publications, without photographs, signatures and prescribed fee) will not be interviewed.
    5. Age relaxation / reservation policy for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/PWD etc will be as per the Government of India and Institute rules. The candidates are required to attach valid proof for claiming relaxation as per the guidelines prescribed by the Government of India from time to time.
    6. In exceptionally meritorious cases or under special circumstances, the eligibility requirements of age, educational qualification and experience for the post may be relaxed by the competent authority.
    7. The process of selection may include presentation / seminar / written test / interview or any other process as decided by the competent authority.
    8. The Institute reserves the right to withdraw advertised post at any time without assigning any reason. Institute also reserves the right to fill or not to fill post and its decision in this regard shall be final.
    9. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Walk-in-Interviews.
    10. Confirmation for attending the walk-in-interviews can be dropped at [email protected].
    Date of  Interview : 08.04.2019 (Monday) from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm
    Venue of  Interview: Office of the Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology (Biotechnology), NIPER, S.A.S. Nagar.

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